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About Us
31PACK.CO.,LTD. Founded in 1987, and is specializes in fully automatic packing solutions for various materials and machinery like automatic packing machine, 3-sided seal packing machine, Shrink wrapping machine, Carton box taping machine, Pallet wrapping machine, automatic weighing machine, and packaging materials like PP band, tape.
With over 30 years of history, technology and thorough warranty, we are working hard today.
랩핑기 이거 안쓰면 후회, 파렛트랩핑기 설치후기(위드리치)
비닐수축포장하는 반자동수축포장기 테스트해보고 구입하세요(신지모루)
단식진공포장기, 식품 진공포장할떈 진공포장기 CM600
스파우트 파우치 실링과 날인하는 수직형밴드실러, 미니수직밴드실러
Auto shrink wrapping machine
Luggage wrapping machine
Flap folding & taping machine
Automatic Weighing Machine(single)